What is Dysport Used For?

Are you tired of watching your once-supple skin lose its youthful luster as each year passes by? Maybe you’re curious about popular injections like Botox and Dysport. The good news is that at Lush RX in Bellaire, TX, we specialize in amazing, rejuvenating anti-aging injectables to help you look and feel your best. But what is dysport used for and how does this neurotoxin differ from its popular cousin, Botox?

Let’s dive into what Dysport is, how it works, and why it might be the ideal choice for achieving all of your skin beauty goals.

What is Dysport?

A popular injectable treatment, Dysport falls under the category of neurotoxins — often called “neuromodulators.” These treatments, including both Dysport and Botox, work by temporarily paralyzing specific facial muscles. This reduces the appearance of the creases, wrinkles, and fine lines that certain facial movements create over time. 

However, Dysport has a unique formulation compared to other neurotoxins like Botox. Its formula is known for its smaller molecules, which allows it to behave a bit differently and provides some unique benefits.

What is Dysport Used For? Anti-Aging Treatment Areas

Dysport is highly versatile and can effectively target various areas prone to wrinkles and fine lines. Let's explore some of the common treatment areas for this awesome neuromodulator!

Glabellar Lines

Also known as frown lines, glabellar lines are the vertical lines that form between the eyebrows after years of frowning and other facial expressions. Dysport can smooth out these lines, giving you a more relaxed and youthful appearance.

Forehead Lines

Developing horizontally across the forehead, these lines are more pronounced for some individuals, particularly those with an expressive face. The good news? Dysport injections do an excellent job at softening forehead lines. This anti-aging treatment is simply a rockstar at creating a smoother forehead.

Crow's Feet

We all get to this point eventually — when smiling causes those unsightly lines around the eyes. Crow's feet are the oh-so-common wrinkles that eventually radiate from the corners of the eyes, especially when we smile or squint. Dysport injections can reduce the visibility of these lines, restoring a more youthful and vibrant look to the eye area.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are appropriately named, since they are the wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose when you scrunch your face like a bunny. Dysport can target these lines, helping to minimize their appearance and create a smoother overall complexion in the area.

Neck Bands

Our faces aren’t the only areas that succumb to the effects of time. Neck bands, or platysmal bands, are the vertical bands that can develop on the neck as we age. With Dysport injections, though, Lush RX can relax these muscles for you, which results in a more toned and youthful-looking neck.

Marionette Lines

A tell-tale sign of our age, marionette lines are the vertical lines that form around the mouth, giving the appearance of a marionette puppet. Dysport can soften these lines, restoring a more youthful and refreshed look to the lower face.

Is Dysport Better Than Botox?

With two popular injectable treatments to choose from, which do you choose for your anti-aging goals? While both Dysport and Botox injections are effective neurotoxin treatments, they have some differences worth considering.

Faster Onset With Dysport

One of the key benefits of Dysport is its faster onset of action. Results from Dysport injections can often be seen as soon as two to three days after treatment, compared to Botox, which typically takes around a week for results to become apparent. If your goal is to look younger as soon as possible — maybe you’ve got a big event coming up — Dysport will kick those wrinkles to the curb faster.

Botox Lasts Longer

While Dysport offers quicker results, Botox tends to last longer. While Dysport typically lasts 3-4 months, Botox can often provide results for up to 6 months before a touch-up treatment is needed. If you’re looking for a longer-lasting wrinkle busting treatment, you may want to consider Botox.

Smaller Molecule Size

Dysport's smaller molecule size allows it to spread more easily, making it ideal for treating larger areas like the forehead. This can result in a more even and natural-looking outcome for certain treatment areas. We can help you determine which neurotoxin is best for your particular treatment and your desired results!

Botox vs. Dysport Cost

For many people, the choice of injectable treatment is highly affected by how much it will cost. The answer to which of these popular treatments costs less is complicated, though. While Dysport tends to be less expensive per unit compared to Botox, more units of Dysport are often required to achieve similar results. 

This means that, depending on the treatment area and individual needs, the overall cost of treatment with Dysport and Botox may be comparable.

Ready for Dysport in Bellaire, TX?

A versatile and effective treatment for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, Dysport has anti-aging applications across various facial areas. Its unique formulation offers a number of benefits, making it a popular contender among those seeking non-invasive anti-aging solutions. 

If you're ready to experience the rejuvenating effects of Dysport, contact us today or book an appointment with Lush RX, where our experienced team can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Unlock a more youthful and radiant you with Dysport today!


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