Hydrafacial skincare acne facial in Houston, Texas at Lush RX MedSpa









Cleanse | Exfoliate | Extract | Hydrate |

Cleanse • Extract • Hydrate

Facials are the foundation of a successful skincare regime and a game-changer for achieving clearer, healthier skin. But, you’re about to meet your skin’s new BFF: the HydraFacial®.


  • HydraFacials require a high-end "hydradermabrasion" device that combines the natural benefits of oxygen and water to shoot a pressurized stream of saline solution onto the skin. The high velocity of this procedure effectively removes dead skin cells while exfoliating and smoothing the skin at the same time.

  • Patients of all skin types in Houston, TX can experience healthier skin if they incorporate HydraFacial into their skincare treatment regimen for the year. Some of the benefits Lush RX patients have noticed are:

    • Brighter skin tone & complexion

    • A visible improvement of wrinkles and fine lines on the face

    • Clean pores, resulting in fewer breakouts and a reduction in existing acne

    • Exfoliation - HydraFacial is perfect for sloughing off dead skin cells, revealing a more youthful and healthy glow

    • Hydration - the HydraFacial treatment injects key nutrients and hydrating minerals deep into the skin for prolonged hydration

  • Thanks to the specialized HydraFacial machine, this advanced technology enhances the overall health of your skin. The vacuum-like device cleans deeper than manual extractions from traditional facials, plus saves you the uncomfortable pain (ouch). Also, HydraFacials offer anti-aging benefits for everyone while other treatments may not be suitable for all skin types.

Are you interested in treating your skin to a deep clean with the world-famous HydraFacial® treatment? Our experienced Aestheticians at Lush Rx Med Spa, Houston are here to help you repair and rejuvenate your skin with the most advanced medical-grade facials and skincare routines.

Is HydraFacial
right for me?